Auto Insurance

Next to your home, your automobile is often the most expensive piece of property you own. As a result, it is important to seek the best value when buying your insurance. To ensure that you have the proper protection, there are a number of ways that you can reduce the cost of your auto insurance premiums while obtaining the coverage that you need, including:

Choosing higher deductibles for collision and comprehensive coverage is an easy and cost-effective way to lower your auto insurance bill. In many cases, the premium savings realized by switching to a higher deductible may be enough to offset the cost difference of an increased deductible in just a few years.
Multi-policy – By insuring your auto and home with ERIE, you will receive a discount on your auto premium as well as your homeowners insurance premium.
Multi-car – If you insure two or more cars with ERIE and they are owned and used by the individual and/or relatives living in the same house, you receive a discount.
Driver-related Discounts

Good drivers who have no accidents or violations receive the most competitive rates, but there are other factors that can reduce your premiums even further, including:

Passive restraints – If your vehicle is equipped with factory-installed automatic seat belts or air bags, you will receive a discount on the medical payments or personal injury protection portion of your premium.

Anti-theft devices – You may receive a discount on the comprehensive portion of your premium if your vehicle has active or passive anti-theft devices.
Anti-lock brakes – Vehicles with factory-installed anti-lock brake systems on all four wheels are eligible for this discount that applies to the bodily injury and property damage coverages.

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